2019 年初,蓝牙技术联盟宣布蓝牙 5.1 引入了新的“寻向”功能,这个功能 可检测蓝牙信号的方向,将大幅提高蓝牙定位的精确度,提供更好的位置服务, 结束了以往通过 RSSI 信号强度的方式做低精度指纹定位的历史,为蓝牙技术解 决物联网精确定位与导航问题奠定了基础。
依据被定位终端的上下行模式的不同,蓝牙高精度定位可以分为两种技术原 理,分别是:AoA 到达角度法(Angle of Arrival)和 AoD 出发角度法(Angle of Departure)。Have you ever dreamed of having your front door automatically unlock as you approach? Or wished your house would anticipate your needs and set-up the lights and your TV as you sit on your sofa? Or maybe you want to precisely locate critical health monitoring equipment as you join your shift at the hospital. We are excited to let you know that UWB’s unique fine-ranging capabilities are making these previously impossible applications a reality!
Compelling new experiences benefiting users, combined with the development of an open and interoperable ecosystem, is driving rapid and widespread adoption of UWB across multiple markets and applications.
The (r)evolution has started and UWB will soon be at the heart of our daily lives!